How to Set up Your Staff Management Software

The development and introduction of staff management software has pretty much revolutionized Human Resource Management and all it entails. This is because this software makes it a lot easier to manage their day-to-day operations and scheduling. 

Although these management software options are pretty useful, how much use you get from them depends on their setup. In this article, you’ll learn valuable tips on correctly setting up your staff management software.

1: Choose A Staff Management Software

Of course, the first step to properly setting up your staff management software is choosing one in the first place. Here, you’ll want to consider different factors such as features, security, and budget. 

You’ll also want to see what integration options the staff management software offers. Ultimately, you want a management software tool that perfectly aligns with your company’s goals. One software option that’s currently a user favorite is software for staff management from Papershift. 

 2: Sign Up Details

Once you’ve selected a staff management software that meets your business model needs, the next thing to do is create an account. Here, you’ll need to provide basic information like your company’s name, address, contact details, etc. Beyond this, however, you’ll also need to fill in sensitive information like your credit card details. 

This is why it’s imperative you verify the security build of any software before you use it. It’s also worth mentioning that you’ll likely get a free trial offer here or some discounts and incentives. Make full use of this trial period and fully explore all the software has to offer before your first billing date.

3. Importing Employee Data

The way you’ll do this depends on what integration options your staff management software offers. If your management tool supports it, you can use online forms, spreadsheets, or even APIs to input employee data. 

Alternatively, you could throw it open and have employees input their data themselves. This will give them a chance to start getting used to the interface quite early. Once all the data is imputed, you’ll still need to review it again. This is to ensure that data entry is consistent and accurate. 

You’ll also still need to organize all the imputed data into different categories. You can do this using features like fliers, tags, or labels.

4. Permissions and Roles

This next step involves assigning roles and permissions to your employees. As you’re aware, not all employees should have the same level of organizational access. This is because of the potential for threat actors. So, it’s important to assign roles to protect data access and privacy.

You can either do this automatically using the software or create administrators manually.  Assigning roles will also make it easy to see who’s supposed to do what at a glance, making organization very easy. 

Once you’ve done this, you can then proceed to allocate tasks and attach deadlines for each job. The software will also make it easy for you to track and monitor employee progress. 

5. Trainings 

Your employee software management tool is going to be a novel addition to your organization’s workflow. Because of this, it’ll be necessary for you to organize training sessions to familiarize them with it. No matter how good a management tool is, it becomes useless if your staff can’t operate it properly. 


Optimizing your staff management software involves a series of steps, with the crucial first step being selecting the right software for your needs. While the points discussed above may require slight adjustments to cater to your company’s specific requirements, they serve as a helpful guide and highlight factors you should carefully consider.

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Originally posted 2023-11-13 14:13:13.